Apache Pulsar: Save Money with Cloud-Optimized Tiered Storage

5 min readSep 22, 2020

Developers of enterprise software are using distributed cloud hardware configured with Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper to save money using tiered storage plans. On public cloud platforms, AWS, Google, and Microsoft Azure all offer high-volume business users the ability to access multiple types of storage facilities according to the logistical and budgetary requirements of every project. These resources are used by programmers and devops engineers to support cloud software services at a lower cost in production or for backup and archiving requirements.

Significant innovation in hybrid and multi-cloud constructs enable businesses to maintain a combination of resources on both public and private cloud hardware simultaneously. Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper assist in managing the SDN variables for event/message stream routing that are hard-coded into enterprise software and data center scripts for cloud automation. These methods are implemented to optimize the operation of high-traffic web and mobile applications.

This article will review some of the main differences between traditional hardware and distributed cloud systems built with virtualization to support hyperscale data center requirements. References to public cloud tiered storage plans illustrate the methods that enterprise software development teams are now implementing in order to save money using Apache Pulsar, BookKeeper, and ZooKeeper for optimized event stream processing.

Elastic Cluster Servers and Distributed Cloud Architecture

Many people still consider a web server as an integrated hardware unit with CPU, RAM, and storage following a vertical, single-unit orientation, whereas most hyperscale data center operations today function with hardware virtualization using VMs and containers in clusters incorporating a horizontal or distributed approach. It is now common for the database, codebase, storage, caching, and administration of enterprise cloud software to be operated on distributed hardware across many web servers located in multiple international data centers.

API-driven applications, edge, and serverless computing are other examples of distributed data center architecture that is used with software-defined networking (SDN) for multi-cloud orchestration. Companies with extremely large data storage requirements utilize the distributed hardware model to access data lakes for machine learning and “Big Data” analytics. Gaming companies use cloud storage facilities to optimize download speeds of releases and manage version archives. Image storage, file storage, streaming video, program downloads, database backups, and publishing resources all have different usages in modern enterprise applications that need to be managed across data center hardware resources with a cloud storage plan.

Public cloud companies like AWS, Google, and Azure offer tiered cloud storage resources to enterprise organizations that can be utilized to reduce the cost of operating the world’s largest websites and mobile applications. One of the most popular and powerful platforms for managing tiered cloud storage resources on public, private, and multi-cloud architecture is Apache Pulsar. Pandio’s Apache Pulsar as a Service works with public cloud storage plans from AWS, Google, and Azure to allow programming teams to establish routing and load balancing to resources.

AWS S3: Intelligent Tiering with Glacier and Deep Archive

AWS S3 storage is the market leader in tiered cloud storage options for enterprise software support on distributed hardware. The AWS S3 service now has Intelligent Tiering with options for Glacier and Deep Archive. The basic difference between the tiers range from hardware, download/access speeds, guaranteed uptime, availability, SLA, etc. Cloud tiered storage is a competitive market with enterprise corporations vying for the lowest prices with volume use.

S3 Intelligent Tiering automates the transfer of data between resources based on frequent or infrequent access standards monitored by machine learning AI apps. The features include object tagging, cross-region replication, and CLI control. Glacier and Deep Archive are used for long-term storage of backup files and digital preservation. The difference is primarily the speed of data transfer in downloads, access time in search queries, and guaranteed uptime availability.

The prices on Amazon S3 is $0.023 per GB per month, whereas the cost of Amazon Glacier storage is only $0.004 per GB per month. Through this tiered pricing system, IT admins and programming teams work to optimize their public cloud storage costs on AWS by balancing services across different hardware resources. Apache Pulsar’s optimized load balancing also saves costs on intra-data center storage transfers, for which AWS also charges customers.

Google Cloud: Archive, Coldline, and Nearline Storage Tiers

Google Cloud has a complex policy on cloud storage billing that includes data, network, operations, and retrieval fees. The data storage is allocated to different international data centers through regional support. Google Cloud charges customers for Class A/B operations and network egress. The base price is $0.026 per GB/month on the Standard plan, $0.010 per GB/month for Nearline storage, $0.007 per GB/month for Coldline storage, and $0.004 per month for Archive storage. Using this tiered pricing system, enterprise corporations can save significantly by implementing Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper solutions for cloud data management in support of software services. Apache ZooKeeper can be implemented to ensure encrypted backend connections when managing storage for web/mobile applications.

Microsoft Azure Cloud: Blobs, Data Lakes, and Managed Disks

The Microsoft Azure Cloud platform has a variety of tiered storage options which include Block Blobs, Data Lakes, Managed Disks, and Files. The Azure stack is favored in enterprise business where support for Pulsar Functions in C++ and Java can be implemented to automate data center operations to support cloud software at hyperscale. The Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper functionality is also utilized in “Big Data” applications using Azure Data Lakes for storage. The price for Microsoft Azure storage with Files is $0.058 p GB/month, while for Block Blobs and Data Lake, it is only $0.00081 per GB/month. Enterprise corporations can save significantly on data center operation costs in the public cloud by using Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper for tiered cloud storage management in support of web/mobile applications.

Apache Pulsar: Cloud Tiered Storage Solution for Enterprise

Each business has unique cloud software and data center operations that must be optimized for speed, cost, performance, and security. Apache Pulsar is an open-source platform that works with BookKeeper and ZooKeeper to improve the performance of enterprise software in operation at high levels of user traffic. Apache Pulsar allows programmers to customize their software with data center automation. Integration with tiered storage resources allow developers to implement cost-saving measures for organizations across devops and support operations.

Learn more about Apache Pulsar as a Service and managing cloud tiered storage with Pandio.

Originally published at https://pandio.com on September 22, 2020.




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